Monday, January 10, 2005

My tired demeanor, can you see me?
The beauty of such a life I’m tainted with.
However, I cannot move in this time of desiring the safety of your pretension.

My only companion true to me lives within.
These eyes of mine are alive from the depth of the hearts center.

You, you lord have this wisdom that calls to me.

You my lord… I have been found.

I’ve been trying to figure myself out within me fires that cannot be extinguished.

Forget the shadow, about my poor openly objective.

I fear nothing, but I beg you to spare my godmother.

It would be a fair trade, and this I promise you my life.

My fear of the unknown has been true.

You gave me the words I express in your image, and I respond to you.

You have tainted my life.

You have tainted my vision.

Now you’ve tainted my blood.

Your beauty taints my judgment, oh lord.

Your beauty taints my judgment; I can’t find the words to express… the words that repeatedly whisper strength.

But lord the devil will not be in the eye of my hearts center.

I beg of you lord to banish the devil from my godmother’s womb, let her be free of her tainted cancer. The devil laughs at her, mocks her; you’ve got to save her oh lord to fight for herself. That you’ve taught her the evil of the devil, has trapped inside her itself? That the devil himself mocks her through cancer, she cannot escape?

The devil laughs loud…


Dear lord, the Devil will not fight back. Oh lord, she will win the fight!!

Oh lord, let us fight!

Together lord, my promise is to win, the devil will lose its tail.

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