Thursday, March 25, 2021

The obituary

 What is more important in promoting truth.

Consider the following:

Is the search for questions if related to knowledge and transferable more or less important than the search for answers if related to the unknown and infinite.


Now consider the remodled thesis:

Is the search for questions as it relates to knowledge transferable hence more or less important than the search for answers relating to the unknown infinite universe.

The search for answers vs questions aligns us with narrative to a story however variable... how do we know anything? How is it can we not know!

My belief in perception as a viewer observes its blank slate of stone brings about an indecipherable sense. Where you meet something through the mind with what is indecipherable as you process what paradox brought you there. Then the language on a tablet emerges into its oneness just as nature intended.

What is acting...

 I want to keep this as simple and to the point.

What is acting...

I am asking this based on a personal journey of mine.

It is ultimately the question I face myself with that speaks to no true definitive answer.

It is to no fault of my own. I embarked on the birth of this question the same time I thought about pursuing acting as a medium. A trade. A profession.

But never once have I found the enlightenment of what is acting.

Acting to me has been a belief. A renewal. An expression of faith in what I believe can be real.

It is a search for truth in my desire to create art but more so to answer question in my idea of them.

I have come a long way in terms of proving that answer is relevant provided the question 'what is acting' isn't unanswerable. I don't want a discussion of sort that compares to a dog chasing its own tail or a chicken running with its head cut of or a pin the tail on the donkey.

This question if at all answerable deserves one.

I have traveled this far...

Do not expend unnecessary energy unwisely inconspicuous to your true true character. 

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

My neuroses in nature

 Let nature do its work...

Let nature take its course.

How to take care of nature is a reflection of you onto itself.