I feel I am not good enough. My biggest obstacle.
My life is not a lie. I've removed myself from self doubt into a plane of consciousness that trusts my natural instincts.
The real question is... if I don't feel good about myself; how am I suppose know when I am good enough. The hereafter vs thereafter.
"If you’re not (good) enough without it, you’ll never be enough with it."
I'm not a thief... I just cheat while keeping myself honest... like everyone else should.
Is branding yourself as a character actor an act of God?? The answer is in faith and renewal....
What makes competition: is it based on a conditional or is it a spiritual journey based on.
Realist vs downplaying the voice in my head which criticizes judges and makes me feel stuck in mud vs acts of conformity.
What does it mean to be seen vs not being taken seriously vs being taken for granted
Can learning how to act only be substantiated by silencing the voices in your head and being present in your body. Is acting an art of dispelling the diseases of your minds elasticity. The capacity in which you silence the inner critic through learning how to dismiss or negate what you edit (the mind) from filtration of what is truth vs. Ones personal infiltration of what is not truth. I am arguing in favor of how acting may be true or false vs gullibility of the observer to be aware of their realist tendencies. The actor is to therefore serve the lie after which everything else is true as a tactical yet satirical evasion to which the observer is in total disbelief. This the medium saying acting conveys a message 💀 (truth) via a messenger (actor). Acting is to be aware if both a common denominator: that the nature of duality may all so both exist simultaneously. Only aware of the human condition from which they stand upon.
There is no memory of "the all." The all implies the obsever independent of the truth.
I cannot prove the existence of God I can only prove my belief in the existence of God. Huge difference