Saturday, July 18, 2020

Our consciousness/perception evolve through story.  When a person writes a story (living the part) they are emulating the method of nature.

We have character (that is you) the character arc (change of your perception of reality) caused by the conflict in the plot (your life).

Yes. Nature ¥ (you can call it gods will) creates the conflict.

How does one question the achievement of desire....equate to the acquisition of divinity in nature.  Can gods will be free of conflict. Is that the force of which nature becomes.

1 comment:

BigC said...

Divinity must be the first cause. For it is in divinity that the indefensible is visible as it is spiritual. Jesus's inflicted wounds on the cross were meant to be visible by gods hand. The very same reason in the name of Jesus's crucifixion was meant to be visble until the spiritual meant that Jesus arose and ascended into heaven. When man met Jesus's immortal fate the face of god changed everything according to divine intervention. First cause is the idea that we are all innocent until proven guilty not by law or material decree as in property or possession. Once you learn to forget about property the principles in place of your mind form an idea of the all. That is the choice you make when doing anything related to your own personal belief system. Therefore, first cause defines all of nature.