Monday, July 27, 2020

NeoLiberal feminist ideology

I found this to be a good working definition of right wing feminism.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Nature of language vs racing thoughts

If that nature of language exists in a vacuum.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Autocracy 🇺🇸 2020 July

If I had the skills to combat the evil autocracy that trump has imposed under martial law I would. What these cowards in uniform are doing not without obeying Trumps orders is abhorrent and shamefully exorbitant. How can these militants look in the mirror for these actions. These are peaceful protestors for an honorable cause.

Unbelievable. The excuse using Military action is that protesters cannot use equal force. Which is besides the point. What Trump is doing is illegal.

the as if

Acting is cathartic.

What you perceive intellectually is a spell you are under. The impression of an intention you inevitably invariably internalize a dialect. The goal is to experience it into an emotion.  You learn to maneuver through it while living the part.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Manipulation and its perverse reality ¥ predicating the spiritual as visible

Divinity in nature is predicting the invisible or impregnating thought predates knowledge.

Psychic activity is logic dictating everything god wanted you to know about.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Our consciousness/perception evolve through story.  When a person writes a story (living the part) they are emulating the method of nature.

We have character (that is you) the character arc (change of your perception of reality) caused by the conflict in the plot (your life).

Yes. Nature ¥ (you can call it gods will) creates the conflict.

How does one question the achievement of desire....equate to the acquisition of divinity in nature.  Can gods will be free of conflict. Is that the force of which nature becomes.
My own desire is not only to know myself but to lay in it while I wait for the blueprint to dry.  That defeats how my personal slavery is a lie born to freedom from design which is honored. That means if our desires were calculated or prewritten in stone my slavery would atone for it.

Monday, July 13, 2020

With respect to salvation, the spirit, its believability... The one

The same purpose to commit murder can be found in an act of suicide or perhaps the basis for philosophy can be as morbidly thought in attaching the position of a philosopher's. Can salvation  be defined as such. The very purpose of how salvation is interpreted into transforming your third dimensional life into a forth dimensional form of being. Transcending the idea of heaven as you walk among the clouds.

There is no answer. The answer to provide purpose itself can only be in the capacity that you find salvation. All growth is is salvation working around you. Reality you present is a conspiracy no one else sees but you.

So this is the best working idea or definition of what salvation is not.

Thursday, July 09, 2020

To no end

I am the face. The power of God. I use my mask to cover it. But I only choose carefully to reveal it from time to time. I recently found out about a serious issue surrounding my uncle who has been diagnosed with cancer. He taught me what the true meaning of being one with God is.

In all of that he unmistakably showed me what my life is worth simply by the love he carried for me (found only in his heart.)  He put the fear of God in me. He made me feel weak based on the kind of love he had empowered me. To no end. And because of this I know all of it as true.

My favorite uncle! His name is Anibal Martins. His fire as fierce as the heart of a lion's. I possess this on most days. The heart of such flesh and blood. His worst  enemies were too afraid to admit they were and if you crossed that line between him and God.

It is a line you better be prepared to cross.