Sunday, June 02, 2019

Mission statement

I have enemies because I've created a reality normal people don't associate with, or are out of touch with my  spirit child or are disconnected to me as an individual. That is my talent. I have issues but not out of the ordinary under the same conditions, so if you are a friend you'll know it.

Who I like is not up to me. It is through the use of my discretion I leave up for the person to decide under fair pretense. It is both intuitive and intentional. I know I am a good person with conviction. Aside from people's pragmatism which is out of anyone's control....

If you are some douche bag white trash idiot out to victimize others I will take exception. So innately you will feel me. Not test me.

1 comment:

BigC said...

We dissipate energy endlessly, by useless talk, by having innumerable opinions about everything, by living in a world of concepts, formulas, and by the everlasting conflict in ourselves.

J. Krishnamurti