Saturday, June 08, 2019

Absurdity & Deviation

This is a very powerful and endearing prophecy for an actor. I have figured this out for myself and the mystery in becoming the kind of actor I want to be in search of truth. The truth is in the action. My brain assembles information in a way that painters paint a picture. And I refuse to judge myself on this. I disarm those who are critics vs the minds eye.  Such feelings I get are enamoured in my pursuit of modelling my coat of armour. That is for what people want to see on screen. What people want to see is what you do as an actor makes the audience feel like they are right there with you.

I am intent on reserving myself as a way of reflection in the work I do, which means I will not fake acting under any circumstance.

Last night Onalee put us through a meat grinder type of audition where we had one chance to make it count.  I took it as a learning moment. You don't have the immunity to do your scene until you get to point you've nailed it. That is the hardest part. Trying to uncover the layers between you and the character in a meaningful yet authentic manner.

As I was doing my pretend audition I felt myself wanting to take risks in the product of my character. Once I felt something my brain couldn't process, I fogot the line and I drew blank. In my mind I wanted to do something relative to the moment and I wasn't able to produce the movement behind my intent. This is a positive thing.

I am better aware of what making choices are. The result of the audition never materialized. I can find peace in myself and my acting. 

When I was asked how I felt about my audition I said it went great. On second thought I had more to be grateful for. It didn't work for the audience but in my mind it worked. You need to be desensitized from reality in order to respond to an inner life.
In finding yourself needs no particular thought process or belief system, so in acting it is more important you face the fear of acting in your personal life.  My fear to act dictates my whereabouts. Last night I knew all my lines but none of it matters in the end. In the end what matters is how hard you fail in life. Real life dictates your fears. Ultimately I failed last night. And that is the magic of freedom to act. To eliminate the fear and connect the dots.

1 comment:

BigC said...

You cannot go beyond because your mind is caught in the operations of thought which is measurement.

J. Krishnamurti