Monday, February 26, 2024

The advent of unpredictability

 I come from a past and a future.

My voice does not carry this passage of time.
It helps inform myself.
A kind of thinking.
Of knowing who I am.
And you feeling it instantly.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Winning your own battle

 The emptying of consciousness of all its content is to have total movement in perception and action. — Krishnamurti

Rain in a bottle

 Enter my judgement free zone and infiltrate it. I don't mind. My threshold will allow. Though my tolerance will not be made to suffer.

What can I see but others can't.
What do others see but I fail to.

Unconditionally speaking,
What kind of energy source exists in a person
That empties themselves
Until they have nothing left.
Not the kind of which possesses a person
Until they feel virtually exhausted.
But the kind of courage it takes,
recognizing how strong you are.

You fear nothing.

You fear nothing because no matter how empty you may be....

Nothing can take away how it feels to feed off it.

Your emptiness is an eternal one.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024