Tuesday, February 14, 2023

An examination of the self



I find my personal depiction relating to the pics message is not unnecessarily true. If you look at it from a particular angle there are beliefs which are impervious as opposed to something else less practical. It all depends on the morality of one's perspective according to a belief. I can make example of the freedom convoy from which anti vaxxers organized. They felt purged which resulted in a false notion  of reality that Canadian democracy was being tested. The convoy formed a mob mentality. 

How this is relevant as in the picture depicting one person leading our countries best interests should be obvious. Trudeau stood his ground and held a defensive position. You can see this mob in the caricature represents a greater number of falsely purged upon terrorists portraying themselves as victims. The element of truth springs from a single idea. It's a mastering of the mind.

Valentines Day


Do not seek fame. Do not make plans. Do not be absorbed with activities. Do not think that you know. Beware of all that is and dwell in the infinite. Wander where there is no path. Be all that heaven gave you, but act as if you received nothing. Be empty, that is all.

- Master Zhuang

The above is an undying wish that in ones secret life you are not tied down by the vacuum of success. I would even describe this as an active definition of freedom in that you feel it as opposed to something more vacuous.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Atrophied are rules of the heart

 Are you erudite in your wisdom.

What causes wisdom is divergence.

Divergence from the elements of your mind in transformation. 
Powered by something like dead air in a desert night.
What is the brains circuitry that triggers emotions.
Where is the hide out that you live in when you feel you've been double crossed.
Are you leading yourself out of that cave in the custody of all images you've portrayed yourself as.
LIke a maze in mirrors counting down memories days upon days of its deafened fear based reality.
Covering your assets.
Cutting your losses.
Never clouding your better judgement deep inside the dreamland of your conscious.