Thursday, June 16, 2022

Mind blowing philosopher

 Is slavery primary or secondary. Is it primary in the sense you possess a hard work ethic or secondary in that you own it as a potential archetype. This type of mentality inferred to as slavery. It is slavery looked upon therefore borderline second class.  Can you attribute this as a primary or secondary cause. Is it a natural product or is it human.

Is this a product of logical deviation or a purely addictive inhibition which reminds us of how divided we are psychologically to deal with things. For example, is it at all possible we address this analogy between deviations as a cause which enables the human condition or are we synonymously dismissed by it as circular. Trapped forever in a hamster wheel. This follows inhibitively that to a fault our innate human mind is to continuously employ a slave mentality. It also plays out a common characteristic of the feudal civilization we live and work in that's been passed down throughout a historical vacuum. Slavery is a common denominator which we humans will never escape.

Something to chew on...