Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Year end review

To see this in what it means and fail to engage with its meaning may make you foolish or downright inexplicable.  It makes sense for all the right reasons. It speaks to the imagination of a child's interests but should spark you.  It speaks to me as inspiring. If you are an equal moral agent of gods will. Not outstanding to your own less than powerful judgment. This doesn't make you lay claim to my peddling religious beliefs as a high priest. On the contrary.... it works in the query of a philosopher's stone.

If you cannot accept.what you see for yourself despite what you may fail to see as true or false. Take a guess as to why. There are no tricks the mind can play on you when you grasp the letters in these words. MA2022

“Love and value others the same way you love and value yourself.” 

Romans 13:9 TPT

The above citation is a poor man's version of Kantian ethics and fair resolve. To treat each other as in man vs man as an equal. To treat others as an end and never merely as means. MA2022 

Full transcript



Our Relationship to Civil Authorities

1 Every person must submit to and support the authorities over him. For there can be no authority in the universe except by God’s appointment, which means that every authority that exists has been instituted by God. 

(There is an inversely wild element we tame in all of us that does not mean we are inherently evil in the eyes of god, it takes time to realize and may also take a dogmatic form. Be a critical thinker and change your outcomes and fear not. You force yourself. But we must be selfish. Have you happened to live life the hard way. Suffering is an integral relationship between the ego and an indication of how you believe is a divine power.) MA2022

2 So to resist authority is to resist the divine order of God, which results in severe consequences. 

(You are to infer the medium behind the message which in my mind asks: what is true divine order... and where or not we must speak in terms of a dialect inventive of a divine language that is restored.) MA2022

3 For civil authorities don’t intimidate those who are doing good, but those who are doing evil. So do what is right and you’ll never need to fear those in authority. They will commend you for your good citizenship.

(I often get thoughts sliced open like a bright orange copper and as time permits to question my own authority. I think authority should be based in humility. Authority breeds substance... it should not be impenetrable.) MA2022

4 Those in authority are God’s servants for the good of society. But if you break the law, you have reason to be alarmed, for they are God’s agents of punishment to bring criminals to justice. Why do you think they carry weapons? 

(There is not much to dissect here... other than that the ideation or glorification of guns as weapons is fatally flawed in a faternal manner of the US second ammendment.  Fanatics must be charged with purgery. Using guns is in excessive force is a crime in itself.) MA2022

5 You are compelled to obey them, not just to avoid punishment, but because you want to live with a clean conscience.

(To live in a clean conscience is the end goal. It should serve and be served. It speaks into the void of impartiality.) MA2022 

6 This is also the reason you pay your taxes, for governmental authorities are God’s officials who oversee these things. 

(This is an environment of sacrifice for the good of all men invested in their roles as a society will dictate. Our despondency will elicit or illustrate these things as it should be in good governing measured to all things being equally held. Liberals demonstrate good government funding to public infused social programs. Conservatives sell out to the privatization of such oligarchs as it is historically invalid. ) MA2022 

7 So it is your duty to pay all the taxes and fees that they require and to respect those who are worthy of respect, honoring them accordingly.

(Good governance on a whole is a matter that links libertarians and socialists alike.  Evil governance is the downfall of what seems to be popular or deafly mainstream across a global mosaic. Deadly empires such as the Romans historically heads of state ruled with that same state of mind. Only until an imperative Renaissance was conceived did abolishing Feudalism and Royalty which created the colonialization of the world we've recorded today.) MA2022 


8 Don’t owe anything to anyone, except your outstanding debt to continually love one another,  for the one who learns to love has fulfilled every requirement of the law. 

9 For the commandments, “Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not covet,”  and every other commandment can be summed up in these words:

“Love and value others the same way you love and value yourself.” 

(Brilliant.) MA2022

10 Love makes it impossible to harm another, so love fulfills all that the law requires.

Living in the Light

11 To live like this is all the more urgent, for time is running out and you know it is a strategic hour in human history. It is time for us to wake up! For our full salvation  is nearer now than when we first believed.

12 Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns.  So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes.  And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon. 

13 We must live honorably,  surrounded by the light of this new day, not in the darkness of drunkenness  and debauchery,  not in promiscuity and sensuality,  not being argumentative or jealous of others.

14 Instead fully immerse yourselves into  the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, and don’t waste even a moment’s thought on your former identity to awaken its selfish desires

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

To my greater self

 I sm so sick of me. But even if I am sick of me. The real me is aware. That means I am a cause of many things secretly.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Wisdom is

 "A consistent thinker is a thoughtless person, because he conforms to a pattern; he repeats phrases and thinks in a groove." Jiddu Krishnamurti 

Friday, December 09, 2022

Now you see me now you don't

I'm everything but clearly not celebrity. I have a royally religious sense of what it means to be nothing except famously unsensational. My carnal instincts move me never standing in the way of true sacrifice in an intense intense emotional battle between two senses. A man of god. I want to lead a life making it this my manner of such thoughtless bewilderment.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Rules unwritten in etymology


Who am I to know of what is it that God thinks about me.

Much the same question as cotton clouds in the sky.

Who am I to question what God feels about me.

Who am I if God grants me the strength of an angel; only stands in the shadow of a fire.

What is God's language in thought or in prayer better yet unknown as the divine dialect.

Timeless a language in that everything is known.

I ask: what if language were all in a face. Just a face. Not of facial expression from which we inform miming... but a language that is processed in the mind without combining words and assessing their meaning.

What is unequivocal to understand is how God's nameless identity came into being.

Does God have a mother. Was God a baby. Did God grow old only to create the heavens and the earth. Why are these things simple not invented rather than biblical or political in view.

Should every prayer be hidden in a deeply rooted 'amen' or sung alleluia alleluia alleluia inwardly as if a miracle.

Perhaps if we contributed to life living it in slow motion would eliminate our starvation for evolutionary principles.

Much ado conflict to a new world order or the corruption of a very real nebulae from which contradictions and controversy arouse the mind and activate the senses.

So on and so forth... what if this view of mine is sordid. What then.

But what makes beautiful the divine. That is a question worth asking. Though what if the secret is that we've been falsely lead to believe there is no secret to the holy grail. What then.

What surpasses the unknown. What is the unknown other than your ideation through which we observe to look and see things if not abstract.

If the language we were accustomed to were an image what would that image be. Forgetting that we possess language as a medium. What does that face conceal rather than language reveals.

From what fairytale do we achieve how to use a mask or wear a cowboy hat in our very intimate portrait of God.

That that faith is a confession put into a picture.

What risk runs the spirit but a threatening moral acclimation of the will. Good vs good... Quite a paradox. Both of those options negating evil unconditionally.

What if you awake from the fever of a dream where you escaped your funeral... in this dream you conquered your fear of death because you  dreamed you had died but in the dream you thought you were never going to wake up again. Maybe just maybe you commenced at being the person you never thought possible.

Just imagine that kind of succulence.  A beehive of emotion in your central nervous system... like honey in your mind... slowly dripping.

I do believe in angels. The kind of thing transcending an energy and an unmistakable vibrational element. We have chased around the idea of angels through a historical documentary. The order of angels on earth. I cannot fathom this third dimension we live and breath without the existence of angels. It would only be dead air. Compassion is what separates angels from mortals.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Mind blowing philosopher

 Is slavery primary or secondary. Is it primary in the sense you possess a hard work ethic or secondary in that you own it as a potential archetype. This type of mentality inferred to as slavery. It is slavery looked upon therefore borderline second class.  Can you attribute this as a primary or secondary cause. Is it a natural product or is it human.

Is this a product of logical deviation or a purely addictive inhibition which reminds us of how divided we are psychologically to deal with things. For example, is it at all possible we address this analogy between deviations as a cause which enables the human condition or are we synonymously dismissed by it as circular. Trapped forever in a hamster wheel. This follows inhibitively that to a fault our innate human mind is to continuously employ a slave mentality. It also plays out a common characteristic of the feudal civilization we live and work in that's been passed down throughout a historical vacuum. Slavery is a common denominator which we humans will never escape.

Something to chew on...

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The secrecy of passion...


The purpose of a person's free will is made of their prejudices. It also subject to discrimination results as failure to project your true intentions as result. The conflicting internal state opposite of reality. Outside forces external of all sensibility never to reveal itself.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The penury of meditation

 When God said let there be light...

What was that moment like.
Was it some rite of passage like
The commandments engraved on Moses tablet.

That God never gave a passing thought
Into how history were recorded nor did God care.

What are you touching.
What are you feeling.
What are you observing.

To the observer
You are nothing.

You are not to observe but to abort it.

Now everything becomes clearer.

What we think of as timeless is not timeless.

We think we want it.

But it is not timelessness we want.

What we want is endlessness.

And nothing else.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The secrecy of avarice

What is living life with a purpose to establish dominance. To establish dominance is to live life with a purpose. So that the pursuit of happiness can be a fair proposition.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The contradiction of color

 Can God be your equal or is that a larger than life proposition. Can you truly believe that God is your equal. If it is a true possibility. Is God an entity so powerful conceptually speaking, god as a forceful entity makes the question fairly impenetrable and entirely impossible to comprehend because such a power only god can possess or be all knowing. Does this inquiry into the nature of God corrupt your own mind depending on what its answer is. 

If you completely wrap your head around this question the truth is not inconceivable. Nothing can make you god's equal. The only chance god is equal to humankind makes god your eternal salvation your only belief in god is that god is on those terms your savior. Your shadow. You are a shadow of god's will.

If god as your equal makes it possible to endure then the question is a basic one. Whatever your choice. Whatever your faith is or not. If god is your equal you give birth to the idea god is real. That is the risk you take. This is part of the wager you make. You don't gamble with a question of this nature. You either think it is god as your equal which allows you to keep your sense of autonomy in the place god meant you keep it. It sounds flawed because it is. We are equally flawed in gods name. 

Is being equal in gods mind or in yours. Is the question enough. If god dictates equality does it exist as merciless or merciful. If you place your faith in place of a question as god being equal to you, it no longer means something. It means you have a belief in no higher power. God vs. Man is not a valid response. The question is can you place yourself as equal to god as god in question. Therefore, god is not an illusion. God has limitless power over you but can you accept god as an equal that everything you conceive in life turns over to god. 

Are we simply living a reincarnation of god simultaneously over and over again. Until the question of god disappears. As though god pulled a vanishing act. What would you be left with. What would no god leave you without. That is a pure question worth examining. The ultimate paradox.