Saturday, February 09, 2008

Coffee. . . over exceptional quality

A buried supernatural intensity -
distinct flavor
of a distant memory.
A passion fulfilled with delicacy
it drips to the core.
The human mind is in perfect company,
drowning into that silky-latte.
Please -
please remember me dark pool of soul,
as my lips brace for the fine entry of this substance.
A shinning glimmer in my eyes.
A sense of vision which is reminding me to savor
such bold flavor.
A taste so entranced.
Magnificantly smooth.
I do admire how I must savor every last word,
delicate in nature.
How I hate not to draw from such attention.
However, I am quite a marvelous fanatic
when it comes to sharing.
Alien canary sing!
Style over Starbucks,
and potential philosophies we reveal.
A choice it sounds misread,
a choice it sounds misheard,
a choice it sounds mistunderstood.
Today I celebrate my passion.
A voice uninterrupted.
A life more misinterpreted.
I represent no superficial union.
To calculate my connetion of a shadowy figure.
No cure,
no cares,
no concern.
Only the cost of living with change in my pocket.
A finite paradox of paradise once lost is found,
and for a brief moment in history I am entitled to benefit.
From this recourse of imagination,
I enter a feast without starving.